In [10]:
from __future__ import division, print_function

# Standard library
import os

# Third-party
from astropy import log as logger
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

# Custom
import streamteam.dynamics as sd
import streamteam.integrate as si
import as io
import streamteam.potential as sp
from streamteam.units import galactic


In [34]:
def read_aaf(path, snapfile):
    actions = np.load(os.path.join(path,"actions_{}.npy".format(snapfile)))
    angles = np.load(os.path.join(path,"angles_{}.npy".format(snapfile)))
    freqs = np.load(os.path.join(path,"freqs_{}.npy".format(snapfile)))
    return actions,angles,freqs

In [35]:
actions,angles,freqs = read_aaf("/Users/adrian/projects/morphology/simulations/runs/thin3/actions/", "SNAP060")

In [36]:
dJ = actions[1:] - actions[0]
dF = freqs[1:] - freqs[0]

In [37]:
dF_mag = np.linalg.norm(dF, axis=1)
leading = np.all(np.sign(dF) < 0., axis=1)

In [13]:
def find_hessian_eigvals(dF, dJ):
    N = dJ.shape[0]
    Y = np.ravel(dF)
    A = np.zeros((3*N,9))
    A[::3,:3] = dJ
    A[1::3,3:6] = dJ
    A[2::3,6:9] = dJ
    # Solve for 'parameters' - the Hessian elements
    X,res,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, Y)
    # Symmetrize
    D0 = X.reshape(3,3)
    D0[0,1] = D0[1,0] = (D0[0,1] + D0[1,0])/2.
    D0[0,2] = D0[2,0] = (D0[0,2] + D0[2,0])/2.
    D0[1,2] = D0[2,1] = (D0[1,2] + D0[2,1])/2.
    print("Residual: " + str(res[0]))
    return D0,np.linalg.eigh(D0) # symmetric matrix

In [38]:
l_hess,(l_eigvals,l_eigvecs) = find_hessian_eigvals(dF[leading], dJ[leading])
t_hess,(t_eigvals,t_eigvecs) = find_hessian_eigvals(dF[~leading], dJ[~leading])

Residual: 7.82619526147e-10
Residual: 9.8229223143e-10

In [39]:

[[ 0.70100592  0.0997328   0.70614734]
 [ 0.48896454 -0.78800717 -0.37411012]
 [ 0.51913812  0.60753442 -0.60116349]]
[ -1.10339938e-02  -6.72230884e-06   3.18018452e-04]

In [40]:

[[ 0.70359714  0.07568874  0.70655664]
 [ 0.48380852 -0.77928461 -0.39830242]
 [ 0.52046171  0.62208256 -0.58492128]]
[ -1.16148047e-02  -2.77058141e-05   3.40773261e-04]

In [41]:
e1,e2,e3 = l_eigvecs.T
Q,R = np.linalg.qr(np.outer(e1, e1)/l_eigvals[0] + np.outer(e2, e2)/l_eigvals[1] + np.outer(e3, e3)/l_eigvals[2])

[[-0.0052637  -0.00386557 -0.00415089]
 [-0.00386557 -0.00259774 -0.00272613]
 [-0.00415089 -0.00272613 -0.00286126]]
[[-0.0052637  -0.00386557 -0.00415089]
 [-0.00386557 -0.00259774 -0.00272613]
 [-0.00415089 -0.00272613 -0.00286126]]

In [42]:
print(np.outer(e1, e1)/l_eigvals[0] + np.outer(e2, e2)/l_eigvals[1] + np.outer(e3, e3)/l_eigvals[2])

[[  4.37909447e+01   1.08291870e+04  -1.03812789e+04]
 [  1.08291870e+04  -9.19538983e+04   7.19010134e+04]
 [ -1.03812789e+04   7.19010134e+04  -5.37944639e+04]]
[[  4.37909447e+01   1.08291870e+04  -1.03812789e+04]
 [  1.08291870e+04  -9.19538983e+04   7.19010134e+04]
 [ -1.03812789e+04   7.19010134e+04  -5.37944639e+04]]

In [43]:
dims = (0,2)
for i in range(3):
    ei = l_eigvecs[:,i]
    plt.plot([0,ei[dims[0]]], [0,ei[dims[1]]], linewidth=2, marker=None)

Another idea: integrate a "ball" of orbits around the initial orbit of interest, use those to compute Hessian!

In [179]:
def orbit_ball(w0, N, scale=0.01):
    """ scale sets the relative size of the ball (0.01 = 1%) """
    R = np.linalg.norm(w0[:3])
    V = np.linalg.norm(w0[3:])
    scale = np.array([R,R,R,V,V,V]) * scale
    w0s = np.random.normal(w0, scale, size=(N,6))
    return np.vstack((w0,w0s))

# w0 = [20.,2.5,4,0.,0.1,0.17]
# grid = orbit_ball(w0, N=100, scale=0.007)

pal5_w0 = [8.312877511, 0.242593717, 16.811943627] + list(([-52.429087,  -96.697363,  -8.156130]*
grid = orbit_ball(pal5_w0, N=256, scale=1E-3)

In [180]:
ppars = {'a': 6.5,
         'b': 0.26,
         'c': 0.3,
         'm_disk': 65000000000.0,
         'm_spher': 20000000000.0,
         'phi': 1.570796,
         'psi': 1.570796,
         'q1': 1.3,
         'q2': 1.0,
         'q3': 0.8,
         'r_h': 30.0,
         'theta': 1.570796,
         'v_h': 0.5600371815834104}

# potential = sp.PW14Potential(**ppars)
potential = sp.LM10Potential()

In [181]:
t,w = potential.integrate_orbit(grid, dt=0.4, nsteps=70000, Integrator=si.DOPRI853Integrator)

In [182]:
fig = sd.plot_orbits(w, alpha=0.01, linestyle='none')

In [183]:
actions,angles,freqs = sd.find_actions(t[::20], w[::20], N_max=8, units=galactic)

In [199]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(15,5))
q = freqs*1000.
q -= q.min(axis=0)
axes[0].plot(q[:,0], q[:,1], linestyle='none')
axes[1].plot(q[:,0], q[:,2], linestyle='none')
axes[2].plot(q[:,1], q[:,2], linestyle='none')

fig.suptitle(r"Projections of $\Omega - \mathrm{min}(\Omega)$ [Gyr$^{-1}$]", fontsize=24, y=1.02)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x147b74890>

In [185]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(15,5),sharex=True,sharey=True)
q = (angles % (2*np.pi)) / (2*np.pi)
axes[0].plot(q[:,0], q[:,1], linestyle='none')
axes[1].plot(q[:,0], q[:,2], linestyle='none')
axes[2].plot(q[:,1], q[:,2], linestyle='none')


(0, 1)

In [150]:
hess,(eigvals,eigvecs) = find_hessian_eigvals(freqs[1:]-freqs[0], actions[1:] - actions[0])

Residual: 6.49621462883e-12

In [151]:

array([[ 0.01259101, -0.01492656,  0.01123399],
       [-0.01492656,  0.01668093, -0.01234949],
       [ 0.01123399, -0.01234949,  0.00971076]])

In [152]:

array([-0.00054544,  0.00036587,  0.03916228])

FFT first and second halves of orbit, compare

Mean fundamental frequency is of order 1.4E-2 Myr^-1, so mean orbital period is about 70 Myr.

I'll integrate an orbit for 2 x 100 orbital times, split it in two and FFT both

In [163]:
Tint = 70 * 2000 # Myr
dt = 1.
# fine_t,fine_w = potential.integrate_orbit(w[0,0], nsteps=int(Tint/dt), dt=dt, Integrator=si.DOPRI853Integrator)
fine_t,fine_w = t,w

In [165]:
fig = sd.plot_orbits(fine_w, ix=0, linestyle='none', alpha=0.1)

In [166]:
nsteps = fine_w.shape[0]
split = nsteps//2
f_1,fft_1 = sd.nonlinear.fft_orbit(fine_t[:split], fine_w[:split,0])
f_2,fft_2 = sd.nonlinear.fft_orbit(fine_t[split:], fine_w[split:,0])

In [167]:

array([[  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00],
       [  7.14265307e-05,   7.14265307e-05,   7.14265307e-05,   7.14265307e-05,   7.14265307e-05,   7.14265307e-05],
       [  1.42853061e-04,   1.42853061e-04,   1.42853061e-04,   1.42853061e-04,   1.42853061e-04,   1.42853061e-04],
       [  1.24975001e+00,   1.24975001e+00,   1.24975001e+00,   1.24975001e+00,   1.24975001e+00,   1.24975001e+00],
       [  1.24982143e+00,   1.24982143e+00,   1.24982143e+00,   1.24982143e+00,   1.24982143e+00,   1.24982143e+00],
       [  1.24989286e+00,   1.24989286e+00,   1.24989286e+00,   1.24989286e+00,   1.24989286e+00,   1.24989286e+00]])

In [170]:
plt.loglog(f_1[:,0], fft_1[:,0], alpha=0.7)
plt.loglog(f_2[:,0], fft_2[:,0] / fft_2[len(f_2)//2,0] * fft_1[len(f_1)//2,0], alpha=0.7)

# plt.xlim(1E-4, 1E-2)
# plt.ylim(4E2, 10**(5.5))

for freq in freqs[0]:
    plt.axvline(freq, color='r') # fundamental frequencies

In [169]:
plt.semilogx(f_1[:,0], fft_1[:,0]**2, alpha=0.7)
plt.semilogx(f_2[:,0], fft_2[:,0]**2, alpha=0.7)

# plt.xlim(-1E-1, 1E-1)
# plt.ylim(4E2, 10**(5.5))

plt.title("Power spectrum")

for freq in freqs[0]:
    plt.axvline(np.abs(freq), color='r') # fundamental frequencies


In [ ]: